How to find the best Life Partner
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You have been looking for the right Life Partner for some time now. But somehow things don't seem to be working just yet. No, you are not desperate either. Its just that you worry sometimes - what if you overlook a probable match, not knowing that she / he would be your best bet.
Most wannabe Couples venture in to matchmaking out of sheer social pressure. The decision at hand and the choice to make is so overwhelming that even basics are overlooked by most. In our anxiety to find the best mate more often than not we try to review each prospect with clinical precision.
Yet if you ask someone so deeply involved to describe their potential Life Partner, the best answer you could get is "someone special, if not the best". There lies the irony - we are desperately seeking someone who we hope will closely match our requirements when we don't even know what those are. Reminds me of a saying from a more famous Indian Cricketer Siddhu who once said "A man going nowhere is sure to reach his destination".
No, no - don't get me wrong here. I don't want you to write a 10 page narrative on how your Soulmate should look, talk and feel about your loved ones. But surely listing down a few attributes which are non-negotiable and some others which are desirable should not hurt. The biggest benefit of drawing such a list is that it structures your thoughts. That indeed is more than half the work done.
Agreed that a lot of efforts have still to be put, in addition to blessings from the Almighty, regardless of your Partner choice for the marriage to succeed. But like in most things in life aren't you looking for nothing but the best even in the the better half you are seeking. So why not prepare yourself a bit before you embark on this Soul searching journey.
Family, Money, Children & Spirituality could be some themes that could get you started on your wish list. But remember you don't want a list too long - knowing well that if you do so, it could take you farther from your goal.
So the next time you are looking for your soul mate, ask yourself if you know what is it that you are seeking. You will do yourself a big, big favour !
Note - The above article was published for the benefit of users but it can be equally applied by all who intend to find a life partner using any online match-making services.